Tuesday, November 4, 2008

TENNESSEE - Change Memphis Volunteers Prepare Voters On Eve Of Election

Change Memphis just got TV coverage from WMC-TV!

Check out the video and story here.

MEMPHIS, TN (WMC-TV) - As police and others prepare for Tuesday's election, volunteers are making sure voters are prepared when they head to the polls.

Volunteers with Change Memphis spent most of the night calling people urging them to go to the polls Tuesday and exercise their right to vote.

It is all a part of the Change Memphis Community Voting Project. It is designed to register voters and increase participation and turnout in various communities. The group also strives to educate and make residents aware of the issues and amendments they'll be voting for on election day.

"We've registered people. We've followed that up by calling them on the phones, letting them know some educational stuff and proposed changes to the Memphis and Shelby County Charter on the ballot," Jacob Flowers of the Mid-South Peace and Justice Center said.

Change Memphis is a non-partisan organization which does not endorse any particular party or candidate.

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