Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Stay Tuned...

Too often, elections are reported by gray-haired pundits behind television news desks. This election is different. Over the last year, we've seen unprecedented people power behind this election --- the culmination of years of grassroots organizing combined with new energy and new voters. So this November 4th, we'll be reporting on the election from their perspective, from the grassroots up.

The Campaign for Community Values is a national coalition of more than two hundred grassroots organizations from across the United States advancing policies to make America work for all of us. In key states and regions across the country, grassroots organizations have knocked on doors, organized marches, hosted candidate forums. As the talking heads pontificated about community organizing, we were practicing it --- and we'll see the results of bottom-up democracy on Election Day as real people voice their community values at the ballot box.

Come here on November 4th to watch the election unfold from the grassroots, to hear real stories about first-time voters or volunteers, why they're voting and what they want from the next President. And track first-hand accounts of voter suppression with live, one-of-a-kind video and podcast reporters from community organizers on the ground in key states and districts. And we'll post your reports and video, too!

This election will be different. And this election coverage will be different, too. See you on November 4th!

Update: Read a post I wrote about the Community Values Vote blog for the Huffington Post!

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